Besides, me and Emma, I am babysitting Trouble-this is Trouble. Why I agreed to do this is beyond me. Trouble is larger than my car, and larger than life. Trouble is huge and lays next to me at night on the floor-he won't 'allow' me to get in my bed (tons of barking and jumping). I can't move at all, without Trouble putting his paws on my blanket. Trouble's leash is a rope from a ship yard. He takes me for a walk and will eat anything not tied down. His list of treats so far are: my boots, my frying pan (the entire handle), two pillows, and a whole onion-don't even ask. His 'stick' is a fireplace log-and oh by the way freaks out when I put my camera to my face to take his photo. My face is always wet and we both sleep so well at night. So, no photos to be posted for just a few days.